Friday, May 17, 2013

The Overall Ballad

Betty has in stock right now some seriously righteous overalls.  The dream of the 90s is alive and well in Missoula.  These paisley-ish ones from Obey are pretty rad.
But these classic 'ralls from It! Jeans are awesomely worn in and totally bad-ass.
Seeing a resurgence for overalls in fashion made us all feel nostalgic for the overalls of our youth...We thought we could share some of our favorite memories of the denim onsie...

Nanda: I got my overalls at Gap when I was 16, it was on sale for 12 bucks! I wore them a lot to go to school. Lots of my Brazilian friends would tease me saying that they were "a huge lack of style", but at that time, I took that as a complement! I made them into shorts and loved to wear it with a white tank top and red converses. I don't even know what I did with them, I'm pretty sure my mom got rid of it when I moved out.

Julia: I wore bibs for years in the 90s.  Not really sure how it started.  I think they were sort of in style for chicks in the music scene.  They were also incredibly practical for working on a ranch and/or doing carpentry.  You could save your shirts from a lot of dirt.  Mostly it was Oshkosh, full length, engineer stripe, but I did have a couple shorts versions that were 'fashion'.  One set in particular were green and blue paisley. 
If I was feeling insouciant, I might only fasten one strap, and let the other dangle as a symbol of my coolness.  Left Eye Lopez, Winona Ryder and Victoria Williams all looked pretty awesome in bibs.  As does my close personal friend Angela Davis.  Yes, I'm name checking you, Angela!

Aimee:  The mid-90's were a time when I thought wearing hippie-like maternity dresses, Guatemalan gear and oversized Dickies shorteralls was a good idea. I wasn't very conscious of flattering my teenage body, apparently. My shorteralls were of a medium blue denim and went past my knees and were like a size bizillion. I bought them in Portland at a cool shop with a nice mix of vintage and skate....kinda like Betty's, I guess. I'd wear them with a ringer tee underneath and a floppy Guatemalan-printed cap and peach-colored Teva sandals. Yuck. I hope no pictures exist of this phase of my life...

Mercedes: 2 years ago I was one of those flowers-in-my-ratty-hair girls at Sasquatch Festival. I packed a pair of overall shorts (that I made myself from Goodwill) to all of my camping/festival trips, along with a tank or bandeau. Every hung over morning, the option of a cute  denim one piece outfit that showed my sides, legs, arms, seemed like a no-brainer. It was versatile and easy to dance in (not easy to pee in) and a staple of summer time. Eventually, the hot summer ended and it was sent back to Goodwill for the next festival hipster to live in. She had a good life.

Miranda: Uhoh, my overall story is also a festival story.  Senior year of college, I did the drive from Colorado Springs to Palm Springs for Coachella (pronounced Kuh-chellah).  I wasn't hip to the style blogs yet so I didn't know that the regulation Coachella outfit was a high-waisted pair of cutoffs with a Free People floral crop top, topped with a flower crown and/or Indian feather headdress. So I showed up with some un-sexy yet comfortable overalls I had from American Apparel.  I saw other girls wearing them too, but they were rocking the string bikini top and a deep tan with 'em.  I, on the other hand, wore my 'ralls with a stripey T and a straw hat.  Plenty of sunscreen too, of course. 

Here's some of our custies rockin' the overall look...


Do you have a good pic of yourself wearing some overalls? Past or present? If so, email 'em to us and we'll blog you! (

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