Tuesday, February 7, 2012

WWI Era Fashion.

I'm not embarassed to admit that I have my "shows" that I like to watch, either in marathon fashion or once a week after the kiddos have gone to bed...And, boy, are there some good ones out there these days, especially if you have an appreciation for the fashion of the early half of last century!

HBO's Boardwalk Empire is one of them that is just so darned pretty to watch. The Gents are so dapper with their pastel-accented suits and don't go anywhere without a hat, and even a cane.
The ladies are feminine and Frenchy and have the most perfectly colored lipstick-it just makes me swoon. Perhaps matchy-match can be pulled off?

But then I discovered Downton Abbey on PBS's Masterpiece Theater (now I really feel Mom-ish...) and those Pre-WW I British ladys are inspiring all my outfit choices these days! Check out the link below for GQ's amazing review of this show. You may, suprisingly, consider pulling an all nighter to watch the first season of in its entirety on Netflix....your man will say he doesn't wanna watch it with you, but he'll get sucked in by Lady Mary's cold demeanor faster than you do!


My whole point is this: Lael and I head down South to do some buying for Betty's next week, so don't be suprised when we bring back even more vintage-inspired flounce than usual...

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