Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lael's Last Day!

What to say? How to wrap up 6 years and some months with Betty that B*#@^+!?
By "Betty" I mean that imagined woman whom we invoke quite often, the one who likes velvet and whiskey and furs, who smokes in her closet and eats caviar, who listens to depressing music and jazz, and who loves flowers. She's a cowgirl and a grandma and a free spirit and an earth warrior. She can wear a dress anytime, anywhere and she always wears killer shoes. She loves the mountains and the ocean and the city. She knows how to wear red lipstick, and lately really likes nail polish. By "Betty" I also mean the most amazing boss lady a person could ever hope for...and all of the other Betties past and present.
So, yeah, I've spent some time with Betty. Through the years she's definitely expanded my horizons. She got me up on a horse against my will and I actually loved it.
She taught me how to shoot a gun.
I got her into yoga, and she paid me to hang out and do it on the beach.
She took me to Chinatown and introduced me to Bubble Tea!
She made me wear some crazy things (like that blue dress!) and I loved it. We also played some mean games of kickball!
We've frolicked and and played and had lot's of good times. So many I can't even begin to list them here...
And now it is time to say hasta la vista. I'll miss you Betty. I'll miss all of you Betties, especially you regulars most of whom I now consider friends-you know who you are. I'll miss you Ray the mailman, and Rod the UPS guy, and the Fed ex couple. I'll miss the neighborhood Betties...Stan the shoe repairman, Garth, all the folks at Bernice's, The Hob Nob, Iza, Meadowsweet, the Peace Center, Selvedge, Chao Mambo, The Bridge, Le rocked my world in so many small ways every day!

I leave with a tear in my eye, well actually a bunch (and two pairs of shoes, a swimsuit, a dress, a blazer, three pairs of earrings, a onsie, nail polish, and three belts-gotta take advantage of that discount one more time!) and a heart full of good times and wonderful memories. Until our next adventure Betty, fare thee well and keep the cool clothes coming!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nuh-uh lael!! I'll mis seeing your beautiful mug at my favorite place in Missoula but I wish you the best. Let the good times roll you crazy kid. Muah!