Friday, September 30, 2011

What to wear for some Fall Canoeing action.

If you're looking for a fun outdoor activity to do this weekend, we suggest canoeing the Clearwater Canoe Trail near Seeley Lake.

What better way to catch some sun, see some wildlife, and to show off some sweet Fall attire than canoeing!?!

Painted turtles and waterfowl galore (Mergansers, Buffleheads, Greves, Brants...I know, we're nerds...) will give you a nod of approval as you glide past. Bald Eagles will give you a thumbs up because your color combos are so wild, free, and patriotic.

Your essentials should be:

A nice Autumnal sweater for the first part of the float. These were what we wore before the sun began to warm us in the most perfect way.

One classic novel to read at your leisure...don't accidentally throw that library book in the water if you become startled by a passing beaver!

One boating hat, kinda dirty and old man-ish in looks.

One pastel braided horse hair croakie that you just scored in Seeley Lake for 25 cents. Don't want to lose those Ray Bans!

One pair of binoculars, so you can see turtles as they are in the photo above and not the one below. You will want to see the perplexed looks on the their little turtle faces as you toast your canoeing companions with glasses of sparkling wine.
You may want to pick up one of these $5 turtle rings to invoke the spirit of the Turtle before you head out.
This old man-ish looking hat would have been a nice subsitute for the one above.
That eagle would've really liked seeing his image on this lovely button down number. It's worthy of two thumbs ups!
Last, but not least, you'll need a canoe! You can rent them in Seeley if you or a friend don't own one.
Hit the trail, yo!

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